Legacy - Adding a Photograph (or Other File) to Multiple Individuals

This facility is only available to users of Legacy Deluxe Version (paid).

HINT: The Legacy (free) Standard Version is the full Deluxe Version with various functions blocked. When you purchase the Deluxe Version you receive a personal code by email that will unlock all the Deluxe version functions. This can be done online by visiting the Legacy website.      

The ability to attach one photograph/image etc to multiple individuals with a few simple actions is a great time-saver. It is very handy when you have an image that relates to more than one individual  e.g.  a family group portrait like the one above or a census return showing several members of a household.

Unlike adding a photograph to a single individual you do not use the Picture Gallery, you must use Picture Center (this is an American programme so we have to make some allowances for spelling).

HINT: It is easiest to start the process from Family View and have the Family View open on one of the individuals you want to attach the picture to.

In the sample below I have an 1891 UK Census that lists four people in my tree -James Gill Smith his wife, Candier Smith plus their children John W.G. Smith and Clara Smith.

 (Click to enlarge)

To reach the Picture Center, choose Picture Center from the Tools menu.

(Click to enlarge)

In its simplest form, there are three main sections to the Picture Center screen.  On the left is a list of all the individuals in your family file.  In the middle is a list of the pictures in the nominated folder on your computer.  On the right is a preview window showing the highlighted picture.

(Click to enlarge)
 to locate the folder where the image is stored

(Click to enlarge)
When the folder where the image is stored is opened all the images in that folder are displayed (filenames are displayed and a thumbnail of the highlighted image is displayed on the right-hand side). If there is more than one image in the folder, highlight the image you want (check the thumbnail to ensure it is the correct image).

 (Click to enlarge)

After highlighting the image you want (and checking the thumbnail that it is the correct image) add a title to the image, add a date (if appropriate) and if required, add a description. If the image came from a third party the description box should also be used to acknowledge that third party's generosity (Image courtesy of .........).

To add the image to the individual click

(Click to enlarge)

Loading the image to other individuals is accomplished by finding them on  the Name List and processing as above.

(Click to enlarge)

HINT: Choosing the surname common to the most individuals' in the image will speed up the process as locating these individuals is accomplished by scrolling up/down the name list. Individuals with different surnames require the use of the 'Find' button and further scrolling to locate the correct individual. Use RIN's to identify the correct individual.

To finish the process click