Legacy - Adding a Second (or more) Spouse

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a partner or marry  'for life'. Death and divorce often lead to another union/marriage.
Legacy allows you to attach several spouses to an individual.

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Add an additional spouse by clicking on the spouse icon on the bottom left-hand corner of the individual's information page.

Like all Legacy icons it will be coloured - indicating that there is an existing spouse attached to that individual. If there is only one spouse attached to the individual the coloured icon will also have the number ''1" in a box alongside the icon.
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Where there are several existing spouses attached to the individual the icon changes to a group of people together with the number of spouses attached.
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 Adding an Additional Spouse

Step 1. Click on  the spouse icon Free Image Hosting or Free Image Hosting

The next window to appear is 

(Click to enlarge)

Step 2. Click either Free Image Hosting or Free Image Hosting (as appropriate).

The next window to appear is

(Click to enlarge)

Step 3. Click either Free Image Hosting or                           Free Image Hosting
HINT: If the name of the spouse you are adding seems familiar then check your Name List to see if they already exist in your tree.

Step 4. Selecting Free Image Hosting will take you to a normal blank Individual information box. Complete as normal and Save when finished.

Step 5. Selecting Free Image Hosting will take to to the Name List where you can select the individual required. As this person already exists in your tree you do not need to add any personal information for the individual.

Preferred Spouse

A Preferred spouse is the spouse automatically shown when their husband or wife is selected or displayed on the Family or Pedigree View. This avoids having to ask which spouse to display each time you change generations. The spouse that is currently set as Preferred has an asterisk in the P column of the Spouse List.

(Click to enlarge)

To change the preferred spouse highlight the spouse you want to set as preferred and click Free Image Hosting The asterisk will now appear against the indivdual you selected.